

The word has provoked an interest with me since high school.

I already admired apostrophes for referring to something larger than themselves. Unobtrusive in text, but capable of speech together -- '' . Then the word caught my attention on my 9th grade English vocab list:

"Apostrophe: a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea."

The meek little mark was also crying out to something that wouldn't -- maybe couldn't -- hear it! What a tragic figure.

This stoked my most dangerous budding theological train of thought: what type of Real is God? Does Death come alive to listen when we ask, Oh Death, where is your sting?

Death may be real regardless, but our relationship makes it a vicious, distant, intimate enemy. Does God's nature similarly depend on our prayer? In which ways is God's reality independent of our recognition? How does relationship with Divinity have such power to change us?

I first tested out many of the ideas that created me in this space. Though I cringe at my old posts, they're on the same train of thought I'm on now -- I feel lucky to be back with more freedom, more information, less fear.

-- 1 January 2019


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