On Apostrophe

The word's provoked a certain interest in me for a couple years, now. Probably initiated by my casual pastime in grammar nerdiness, it's become an increasingly more interesting concept to me. Even in its regular context, I find it an interesting linguistic innovation: a big chunk of letters can get neglected if one of the littlest marks on your keyboard is plopped in the middle. It keeps the place for you, innocently noting the absence lest some misunderstanding be had. An Apostrophe stands for something larger than itself, even though it seems relatively shy and unobtrusive where it's normally placed. ' . They become remarkably less so, however, when two of them are put together... they tend to find a voice as a team. '' . Now, this already being something I had a particular appreciation for, it struck me as a pretty cool word in the context of my ninth grade English vocabulary list.
Apostrophe: a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea.
Hmm. So the meek little mark is also crying out to something that won't- or perhaps can't- hear it. Amusing prospect. This also being a concept I've been intrigued by for a number of years, given my fascination with the human imagination, I filed it in a special folder in by brain labeled "cool words," ones I supposed I'd use for things like songwriting or fun essay titles. I fantasized at one point that it would be the name of a band of some sort I'd be part of one day, and I suppose I still hold this fantasy, but for the mean time I'll use it to title this blog: a neglectable speck monologing into open space; though I suppose, perhaps someone might listen.


  1. I enjoy the colors you've chosen for your page.

  2. "An Apostrophe stands for something larger than itself, even though it seems relatively shy and unobtrusive where it's normally placed. ' . They become remarkably less so, however, when two of them are put together... they tend to find a voice as a team. ''"
    This is amazing. I'm writing this down somewhere.

    (By the way, I have been meaning to read through these and comment for a while....but I'm busy with homework and....homework and service and speech and debate and choir and...yeah, you get the idea.)

  3. Evidently, I rather like it, too. :D It's cool, just read/comment whenever you can, I enjoy the comments so as many as you care to is good. <3


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