How Average High School Boys Smell

It was our unofficial science project in sixth grade. Everyday, our bus route would drop off the highschoolers first and then we middleschoolers, and pick us up before the highschoolers again in the afternoon. This gave us the perfect opportunity to stick our 11-year-old noses into the isle and smell all the teenage guys passing by as they walked past us twice daily. If I'm to be quite honest, I don't find it surprising in the least that we would pick such a project. Just notice how interesting our data turned out, and I doubt you'd disagree.

Bacon, chicken, fish, Subway subs, soy sauce, ravioli, chicken nuggets, cheese puffs, basil, cauliflower, canned corn, cheesy tacos, tropicana, almonds, popcorn, jellybeans, candy canes, sugar, rock candy, black licorice, banana-flavor hard candy, maple syrup, Coca Cola, Sprite, bubble gum, mint, kids toothpaste, tuti-fruti flavor, fruit snacks, apple jacks, artificial berry flavor, strawberry fruit smackers, green apples, ripe apples, carmel apples, apple juice, pears, lemon, coconut, oranges, orange juice, grapes, grape pez, artificial grape-scented shampoo, rotting coconuts, rotting peaches, burnt hamburgers, french fry grease, stale french fries, sour milk, Flintstone vitamins, Cheerios, pencil lead, pencil shavings, air vents, air conditioning, new cars, new shoes, new backpacks, new sweaters, a new office building, new bathing suits, new roofing material, new patio chairs, plastic, burning plastic, dust, baby powder, deodorant, shampoo, shower gel, cologne, socks, nothing, British Airways, G. I. Joes, Home Depot, Target, chlorine, stomach acid, gas, rubber, laundry detergent, toilet cleanser, Windex, Honey Bucket cleaning fluid, dumpsters, sweat, vomit, something which can only be described as "YUCK!", fingernail lint (only Rebecca Crowder could smell something like that, I swear), a bush, bird seed, rabbits, daffodils, honey suckle, grass, pine, dirt after a rainstorm, fresh air, sunshine.


  1. Best. Research project. Ever. We ought to make a chart and publish a conclusion.


  2. It was amazing. I have all the numbers for "cologne" and "nothing" and "other" still, too- it could be properly statistical. XD


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